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Who are we?

My Journey
     Over the past few years, I have become more and more aware of the chemicals around me. I started realizing the toxins that I was surrounded by, and being the mother of two young children, this terrified me! I quickly became that Mom who put her babies in cloth diapers, and made her own wipe solution, and prepared all their baby food from scratch!
    After I altered my childrens life to a much healthier status, I then began my own toxin free path for myself. I searched all around for answers for skin and hair care products and even tried going No Poo for a while! When that did not work here in the humidity of Texas, I knew I had to figure something better out. That's when I found Mainely Coles.
    I decided to give their products a shot; given that my head started itching horribly from what I was assuming was from the mainstream shampoo I was using. After purchasing the Gracies Combo of shampoo and conditioner, I also received some of their soaps and lotions (because the consultants were so gracious!). This is when my journey with Mainley Coles began! The sensation my skin felt shocked me! I never realized what magical powers pure natural ingredients could have! I discovered something special and knew I had to share it with the world! 
About Mainely Coles
    Mainely Cole's mission is to make available the very best products from ingedients found around the world. Products that are all natural and organic that will help provide the vitamins and minerals that your skin needs to be healthy and amazingly beautiful, while still being good to the enviroment around us.

    Hand-crafted to address a myriad of skin and hair care issues, Mainely Coles offers a fully comprehensive line of products to complement any lifestyle. Our natural ingredients promote healthier and younger looking skin leaving a new rejuvenated and invigorated you. Since we care about the world around us, indulging into one or more of our 40 products is a new amazing experience with each use.

    Our natural ingredient line up addresses the many challenging issues we face in an eco-chic lifestyle. Lovingly and with success, our products address issues such as anti-aging, cellulite, problematic scalp, dry and chapped skin, cellular turn-over, anti-oxidant protection, heat protection and nourishment for hair, moisture balance, post-shaving recovery and other issues that arise from day to day! Carefully developed to transform a blah and challenging condition into something more enjoyable, we have spanned the globe for formulas that have well preserved skin and body for centuries. Our commitment to you, legendary natural and organic ingredients such as Dead Sea salt, goat's milk, pure cane sugar, fine essential oils, shea butter, cocoa butter, jojoba, aloe vera, grape seed oil, Japanese green tea leaf, vitamins A, E, C, D and fine spices are just some of the wonders you will experience while enjoying the bounties of our products.


My daughter and I

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